2009年9月29日 星期二


16:38 29Sep09 RTRS-

* 美系銀行似乎較歐洲同業佔據優勢
* 美國和法國遊說團體已表達反對
* G20財長將在11月初再度會晤
記者 Kevin Drawbaugh 編譯 田建華
摩根士丹利分析師Betsy Graseck和Huw van Steenis撰寫的報告指出,"我們認為,在為適應G20勾畫出的新監管環境而調整自身資產負債表之路上,美國大型銀行已進境頗多."
報告挑選的頂尖美國大型銀行包括美國銀行(Bank of America)、摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)、紐約梅隆銀行(Bank of New York Mellon)、富國銀行(Wells Fargo)和PNC Financial Services.
"誰都可以發表聲明,實際問題是他們能否真正去做,"投資公司FBR Capital Markets銀行業分析師Paul Miller稱.

像匹茲堡這樣的峰會"是最佳的放話場所.但不會出台任何制約性的規則,"達特茅斯塔克商學院企業治理中心主任Espen Eckbo表示.

"假以時日,(銀行業)與計入市場風險在內的業務活動相關的資本比例將上升,資本要求更嚴格."Exane BNP Paribas業內分析師Ian Gordon表示.







2009年9月25日 星期五

新聞發布173 號(中央銀行理監事聯席會議決議)


一、本( 24 )日本行理事會決議如下:






五、與上年同期比較,本年1至8月貨幣數量M2平均年增率為7.30%,略高於本年貨幣成長目標區;惟若經季調後與上年12月比較,則8月年增率為6.37% (詳附件)。銀行授信因企業資金需求不強,1至8月平均年增率降為1.16%,惟仍高於上半年經濟成長率-8.84%,顯示銀行授信仍足以支應經濟活動所需。金融市場長短期利率維持在歷史低點,有助企業及個人減輕資金成本,增加投資及消費。



Asian Growth Outlook for 2009-2010

Overview: Most of Asian economies released stronger-than-expected Q2 2009 GDP figures, showing a V-shaped recovery may be in the cards. Relatively strong macroeconomic fundamental and initial conditions, aggressive fiscal and monetary policies and surging capital inflows all support this argument. Despite some improvements, real economic conditions remain fragile. Exports are falling at double-digit rates for most of countries, though the contraction has eased somewhat thanks to inventory restocking. Consumption remains weak due to negative wealth effects amid worsening labor market condition. Investment is declining sharply, reflecting tight credit condition and still-weak demand at home and abroad. Government spending was largely insufficient to support growth. Therefore, economic activity is expected to remain weak in H2 2009 and 2010, considering stimulus effects begin to fade and private sector deleveraging in advanced economies will continue to keep both exports and investment weak. Asian economies will recover on a sustained basis, accompanied by any meaningful revival in external demand in the advanced economies.

Asia's Recovery Prospects Hinge on G3 Recovery?
* ADB: "Asia will lead the recovery from the global slowdown" on the back of aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus measures, relatively strong financial systems, faster-than-expected rebounds in less-export dependent countries. However, the recovery might be hampered by a prolonged global recession or an earlier-than-expected withdrawal of stimulus measures. Developing Asia is expected to grow by 3.9% in 2009 and 6.4% in 2010. (Asian Development Outlook; September 22, 2009)
* IMF: The growth forecast of Emerging Asia has improved, driven by better prospects in both China and India and a faster-than-expected turnaround in capital flows. But the acceleration in growth hinges critically on the recovery in developed economies. Emerging Asia is forecast to grow 5.5% in 2009 and 7% in 2010. Japan will contract sharply at 6% in 2009 but will grow 1.7% in 2010 due to aggressive fiscal policies and strong performance in neighboring Asian economies. (IMF Outlook, July 8, 2009)
* World Bank: Despite aggressive government measures, growth in East Asia and the Pacific will slow to 5% in 2009 from 8% in 2008 due to weak exports and a slowdown in domestic demand. Yet the region will grow the fastest in the world, helped by China. Ultimate recovery depends on the pace of recovery in advanced economies. Growth in 2010 will be relatively subdued at 6.6%. An output gap will persist for several years because of weak labor markets and sluggish consumption. (World Bank Outlook, June 2009)
* FT: "Too early to declare a V-shaped victory." Much of the recovery in the region is created by base-period effect. Domestic demand is still-weak and fiscal stimulus cannot be rolled out as it would create risks of overcapacity, asset price inflation and damage to the financial system (July 26, 2009). In addition, Asia has flunked the longer-term economic rebalancing, evidenced by still-weak domestic demand. The current account surplus has widened as imports fall faster than exports. Central banks are intervening FX markets to prevent currency appreciation amid exports slump. (Lex, July 23, 2009)
* EIU: Asia's growth will slow sharply to 2.4% in 2009 due to high export dependence and risks to investment and employment. The recovery will be subdued in 2010, growing by a mere 4.6%. This will be due to weak demand in advanced economies, tight access to credit and risk of capital flight, despite some improvement in global risk appetite. Aggressive loosening of monetary and fiscal policies will support growth and ensure a U-shaped recovery in the region. (July 17, 2009)
* Analyst Tomo Kinoshita, Nomura: Asian economies will recover 2008 GDP levels in 2011. "As Asian economies reach full-employment conditions and thus close the output gap in 2011, the driver of investment growth should shift from public investment initiated by fiscal stimulus in 2009 to private investment in 2011." (August 7, 2009)
* Johanna Chau, Head of Asia Pacific, Citi: Asia's recovery is V-shaped, backed by aggressive policy stimulus, export inventory restocking cycle for tech, sharp inflation collapse and some help from incremental demand from China. But the upturn may not be strong as deleveraging in the advanced economies will reduce the region's potential growth, especially for countries more dependent to previously credit-fueled exports markets, including Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan. (July 24, 2009)
* Paul Gruenwald, Chief Economist Asia, ANZ: Emerging Asia's recovery path will depend on a combination of demand momentum, export dependency and the likely effectiveness of fiscal policy. But Asia will be unable to recover without a resumption of external demand in the advanced economies. (July 3, 2009)
* Analyst David Carbon, DBS: A V-shaped recovery is taking place in Asia as the drivers of downturn were "one-off" in nature not the "fundamental weakness." (June 11, 2009)
* Analysts Chetan Ahya and Deti Tan, Morgan Stanley: Growth will bottom out in H1 2009, with muted recovery in H2 2009. (January 16, 2009)
* Analysts Bill Belchere and Rajeev Malik, Macquarie: The U.S. recession will have a greater impact on Asia than the 2001 recession, with Asian exports and countries with high external financing needs (South Korea, India and China) taking a big hit. (March 13, 2009)
* 2009 AXJ GDP Growth Forecasts: Nomura: 4.9% | Citi: 4.6%| ANZ: 3.8% | EIU: 2.4% | RGE Monitor: 4.3%
* 2010 AXJ GDP Growth Forecasts: Nomura: 7.7% | Citi: 7% | ANZ: 6.5% | EIU: 4.6% | RGE Monitor: 6.2%

What Are Risks to Growth?

* Domestic Demand: Consumer spending has improved in some countries because of stimulus measures. But in most Asian Tigers and ASEAN countries, consumption is contracting or slowing sharply due to negative wealth effects from large job losses in manufacturing and export-related sectors. Investment is contracting or slowing sharply in most Asian Tigers and ASEAN countries due to plunging foreign direct investment (FDI) and exports, lower corporate earnings and tight credit.
* Exports: Exports contracted sharply across Asia in H1 2009 due to lower demand from the G-3, though industrial production turned around in many Asian countries. China's stimulus spending in 2009 is mostly geared toward infrastructure. So most Asian countries that export parts and components to China for re-export to the G-3 countries will not benefit. Benefits to Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam will be limited as they export manufacturing-intensive commodities to China. Asia's exports will remain under pressure until final demand in advanced economies shows a strong and sustained improvement.
* Tight Financial Conditions: Despite aggressive monetary easing and improvement in liquidity conditions, private lending rates remain elevated, and banks see high credit risk lending to corporates and households. Capital-raising activity remains subdued. On the other hand, in countries like Vietnam and China, government stimulus measures are fueling asset bubbles.
* Capital Flows: Foreign institutional investor (FII) inflows are fueling market rallies but are still prone to global risk aversion and volatility in the U.S. markets. FDI will drop in most Asian economies in 2009. Debt inflows are already under pressure because of declining interest-rate differential with the U.S. and rising debt downgrades. A global liquidity crunch is sharply reducing Asia's access to foreign bank capital. Easing external balances and capital outflows may lead to currency depreciation in the region. (Nomura)
* Deflation: Excess capacity in manufacturing, rising unemployment and slowing or contracting domestic demand in many countries are causing deflationary pressures. China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Japan are in technical deflation. Some impact is due to base effects as food and commodity prices are lower relative to 2008. Deflationary pressures might persist until late 2009 or early 2010 due to sluggish economic recovery and large output gaps.
* Fiscal Deficit: Increasing stimulus spending amid withering income-tax- and commodity-related revenues are raising fiscal deficits and public debt. Investor concerns over rising bond issuance and higher longer-end yields are posing risk to debt auctions. Debt ratings of many countries (Japan, India, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan and Vietnam) have been downgraded or are at risk.
* Political Risk: Political stability has strengthened after elections in India and Indonesia. Thailand and Japan are witnessing increasing political instability exacerbated by the economic downturn. China and Vietnam face the risk of greater social unrest from job losses among migrant and factory workers.

2009年9月23日 星期三

台灣央行召開會議在即,對經濟前景將做何評論 from Reuters

記者 高潔如/李千儀








中央銀行新聞參考資料 98年6月7日發布











各國央行向來重視物價的穩定,近年來不少國家的中央銀行更採行通膨目標機制(inflation targeting)。物價有很多種,央行所關心的物價是核心消費者物價(core CPI),也就是剔除蔬菜、水果及能源的消費者物價。因為蔬菜水果價格受天候的影響,而油價在短期內受OPEC的影響,容易大幅波動。由於貨幣政策從採行到效果的顯現有一段時差,因此央行在釐定貨幣政策時,必須考量未來的物價走勢。

物價係由總需求與總供給共同決定,央行的貨幣政策只是影響總需求的多項因素之一。而物價的上漲有時是需求帶動(demand pull),即需求曲線向右移;有時却是成本推動(cost push),即供給曲線向左移,如進口油價的上漲。


縱使貨幣政策的有效性有時會受到影響,我很高興向大家報告,從1998到2008年,台灣物價上漲率相當的低而且穩定(low and stable inflation)。CPI平均上漲率僅1.2%,而其標準差也只有1.1%;跟其他國家的物價比較,台灣的表現非常良好。

其次,向大家報告外匯操作,分為兩項,首先報告匯率政策。台灣的GDP只有美國的36分之1;進出口佔GDP的比率,美國只有29%,台灣高達138%;台灣跟新加坡一樣是典型的小型而高度開放的經濟(small open economy)。2004至2008年,台灣經濟成長率平均為4.19%,其中,外需的貢獻率高達3.11個百分點。匯率對進出口有顯著的影響力,新加坡就是以匯率作為貨幣政策的中間目標。就台灣而言,匯率的重要性不低於利率。

台灣為了加入WTO,資本帳被迫開放,外資已可自由進出。就實際資料觀察,熱錢經常在特定時段大量進出,干擾了外匯市場的穩定,這是小國家的難處。假如亞洲國家中,經濟發展程度相近、彼此間貿易及資本交易較多的國家,能建立共同通貨區,像歐洲使用歐元一樣,亞洲使用亞元(Asian dollar),這樣就可以降低交易成本、促進經濟成長。亞洲小型經濟體的貨幣,就不會成為國際禿鷹攻擊的對象。








2009年9月21日 星期一

My book-做個積極的外匯投資人











2009年9月17日 星期四


記者 Gertrude Chavez-Dreyfuss/Wanfeng Zhou; 編譯 吳雲凌
"所有人涌向股市並在利差交易中出售美元,但背後的動力並非獲利回升,而後者才是價格得以持續上升的支撐因素,"Interactive Brokers資深市場分析師Andrew Wilkinson稱.
"日本的產出缺口比美國大得多,"Putnam投資公司投資組合經理Paresh Upadhyaya說道,"我不相信美國的低利率能夠維持得足夠久,可夯實美元在多年內成為融資貨幣的基礎."

--譯文審校 龔芳

2009年9月15日 星期二


(John Kemp是路透專欄撰稿人,以下內容僅代表其個人觀點.)
撰稿 John Kemp 編譯 張若琪
在7月公佈的工作報告中,歐洲央行的Isabel Vansteenkiste發現強烈證據顯示有"共同因素"在推動非能源大宗商品的價格.Vansteenkiste暗示,此因素多半可用常見的驅動因素來做解釋:美元價值和美國實質利率的變化,能源和其他投入成本,及最近以全球製造循環.





Lehman Anniversary: What's Different? What's Still the Same?

Lehman Anniversary: What's Different? What's Still the Same?

Overview: On the anniversary of the Lehman failure President Obama addresses Wall Street in order to build consensus for his administrations' regulatory reform plan. Banks are lobbying hard against the new consumer protection agency and Congress is slow in adapting proposed rules for a systemic risk regulator, or the regulatory regime for OTC derivatives, and a new non-bank resolution mechanism. At the international level, the G20 finance ministers reached a tentative agreement on September 5 (to be finalized by G20 leaders in Pittsburgh on September 24-25) on a review of capital requirements, the need for coordinated exit strategies, the adoption of macro-prudential policies, and eventually align remuneration incentives with the long-term performance of banks. There is also agreement international coordination with regard to OTC derivativesand hedge fund regulation as well as a consistent set of accounting rules.

What's Different?
* The Bank of International Settlements' comprehensive response to the global banking crisis which was formulated in response to the G20 finance ministers' agreement (September 7, 2009): Capital requirements will be strengthened across the board with systemic banks facing higher charges. A larger share of common equity will be mandated. Countercyclical reserve requirements will be mandated. A liquidity requirement will be considered, as will an overall leverage ratio. Risky trading activities will face higher capital charges as well as complex securities in order to minimize regulatory capital arbitrage.
* Moreover, the G20 finance ministers vowed to align remuneration incentives with the long-term performance of banks.
* OTC Derivatives Central Counterparties (CCP): There is new consensus that a central counterparty is necessary to reduce potential knock-on effects (systemic risk) from the failure of a large player. However, the riskiest products are not standardized enough for a clearinghouse and therefore remain exposed to bilateral counterparty risk which regulators want to mitigate by imposing higher capital charges and disclosure of aggregate position holdings.
* There is new recognition that derivatives can have an economic impact. Stanford Professor Darrell Duffie writes in a Pew research report that "at the bankruptcy of Lehman a large quantity of interest-rate swap hedges that had been provided by Lehman needed to be quickly replaced. Other dealers, themselves under financial stress, were willing to provide these hedges only at swap rates below government yields." (09/01/09) This led to the persisting negative swap spread phenomenon in the 30-year U.S. and other government bond markets, once considered a "mathematical impossibility" unless unsecured bilateral swaps were perceived as safer than government debt. A persistent negative basis was also observed in the corporate bond market. Analysts note that balance sheet constraints prevent market participants from arbitraging the price discrepancy away.
* Further transmission channels from derivatives to real economy include corporate credit lines which are increasingly based on CDS performance. This transmits counterparty risk inherent in the CDS premium to the corporate sector (cash spreads themselves measure credit and liquidity risk). This might systematically understate credit risk in normal times and overstate credit risk in times of stress, thus introducing procyclicality, according to an ECB report released in September 2009. Furthermore, there is the empty creditor phenomenon that provides "overhedged" bondholders with an incentive to push for bankruptcy instead of restructuring.
* A new paradigm of economic thought is voiced by economist Keiichiro Kobayash at VoxEU: "The existing theoretical structure of macroeconomics is incapable of addressing macroeconomic performance and the stability of the financial system in an integrated context." The author proposes a paradigm shift to explicitly include the financial sector, credit markets and asset/collateral prices in standard economic modeling.

What's Still the Same?
* Too big to fail banks are now even bigger and leverage has increased across the board. With the incorporation of insolvent competitors and the forced re-intermediation of formerly off-balance sheet vehicles, the leverage ratio of global banks has jumped to around 40-50 in the U.S., Europe, and the UK in 2008. (InvestorsInsight, 07/19/09) As of 2010, up to US$900 billion of remaining off-balance sheet vehicles will have to be consolidated.
* Meanwhile, systemic banks benefit from implicit and explicit government backstops, whereas a resolution regime for all systemically large and complex institutions a la Fannie and Freddie, for example--arguably one of the most important measures-- is stalling in Congress amid waning political support. (Dealbook, 09/08/09) There is strong lobbying against the Consumer Protection Agency, whose fate is unclear. It is not decided yet who will be the systemic risk regulator: the Fed or the Systemic Risk Council.
* The lack of any disciplining mechanism represents an incentive for large players to engage in risky trading activities with value-at-risk (VaR) measures back at record levels in Q2 2009 for the top five banks, with US$1.04 billion at risk to be lost at any given trading day. This "represents an 18% increase from a year earlier and is up 75% from the $592 million in the first half of 2007, according to regulatory filings." (WSJ, 09/09/09)
* August 2009 TARP Oversight Panel Report: Toxic assets are still on banks' books. They are likely to be found in the Level 3 accounting category (mark-to-model) due to valuation difficulties. As of Q1 2009, the large banks have US$657 billion of Level 3 assets on their books. Public-private investment program is poised to start in October 2009 but it is unclear if banks will want to sell despite the government subsidies, or if buyers will want to get involved in a government program.
* Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Risk: Fitch (via RiskCenter): "While CRE loans, excluding the more problematic construction and development portfolios, represent more than 125% of total equity for the 20 largest banks rated by Fitch, the risk is even higher for banks with less than $20 billion in assets, as average CRE exposure represents more than 200% of total equity for these institutions." (08/19/09) Fitch announces ratings review by September.
* Dependence on wholesale funding markets is likely to remain an issue. "In the year up to September 2009, Western banks have issued $645 billion of bonds without government guarantees, according to Dealogic, a research firm. But the idea that the banking system can improve its funding profile at the same time as it weans itself off explicit state guarantees looks wildly unrealistic. This partly reflects the sheer volumes of debt involved. As well as turning over existing short-term borrowings of some $18 trillion, Western banks have to refinance longer-term debts that are maturing at the rate of about $1.5 trillion a year. With securitization markets damaged (approximate funding hole of US$2 trillion) and confidence in banks battered, that will not be easy." (The Economist, 09/03/09)


The large reliance on uninsured wholesale funding and the declining value of collateral led to immediate ripple effects in the already challenged repo market (see NBER report by Gary Gorton and Andrew Metrick), and in the money market funds invested in Lehman's commercial paper (e.g. the Reserve Primary Fund.) Similarly, in the off-balance sheet universe, counterparty risk is measured by the replacement cost of bilateral hedges with another counterparty, minus any collateral posted. For example, the European Central Bank (ECB) reports that "as participants sought to replace terminated positions, [credit-default swaps] spreads widened by up to 40 basis points for investment-grade CDS and by around 100 basis points for sub-investment grade CDS." Re-hypothecated collateral proved in many cases difficult to access. AIG's total US$372 billion net protection seller position in the bespoke market (according to an AIG release via the ECB report, not captured in Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation data) shows the perils of credit-risk concentration due to one-way bets as compared to balanced bilateral exposures as is the norm for dealer banks. (The latter is shown for example in US$5.2 billion payout on US$72 billion of contracts with Lehman as a reference entity registered in the DTCC data warehouse; see FT, 09/11/09.) CDS are different from interest-rate derivatives in that the former are subject to jump-to-default risk (heavy right tails) (ECB). Recent research in network theory shows that sound CDS risk management by a central counterparty requires liquidity reserves proportional to gross rather than net exposures. (Rama Cont, Andreaa Minca & Amal Moussa, Columbia University)

Lehman's total assets in 2007 were US$691 billion. Of these, long positions in trading assets (45%) and short-term collateralized lending (44%, e.g. reverse repos) were the main positions. On the liabilities side, long-term debt (18%), equity (3%) and other short-term debt (8%) complemented short positions in trading (22%) and collateralized borrowing (37%). The remaining 12% were "payables," including the cash deposits of Lehman’s customers, especially its hedge fund clientele. ("Receivables" on the asset side were 6%.) "Hedge fund customers’ deposits are subject to withdrawal on demand, and proved to be an important source of funding instability," noted Tobias Adrian and Hyun Song Shin in a September 2009 Bank of France stability report.

2009年9月13日 星期日


12:38 14Sep09 RTRS-《Kimberley專欄》
(Neal Kimberley是路透外匯市場分析師.以下內容僅代表其個人觀點)
撰稿 Neal Kimberley 編譯 沈璐璐

2009年9月10日 星期四


(James Saft是路透專欄撰稿人,以下內容僅代表其個人觀點)
撰稿 James Saft 編譯 蔡美珍/王冠中
"負債記憶的力量非常強大.成長於1920及1930年代的那一代民眾,對舉債感到害怕,因為他們及他們的父母經歷過兩次通縮期,"Lombard Street Research經濟分析師Gabriel Stein在致客戶報告中指出.


2009年9月9日 星期三

Key FX Themes into Year-End

1.Risky Asset Correlations Likely to Remain High

2.Still Constructive on the Cyclical Outlook
Combining this cyclical stance with high cross-asset correlations suggests that currencies such as the AUD and CAD, as well as the EUR and GBP, still have upside potential in the near term. The Yen, and in particular the Dollar, will likely face downside pressure on this basis. EM currencies, especially higher-yielding ones, should continue to do well, as expressed in our high-conviction EM Carry Top Trade.

3.Sequencing the Global Monetary Policy Tightening
With rising rates, carry differentials may well come into play among major currencies and this could further boost cyclical currencies. In some cases (such as with the AUD), expected policy tightening already appears to have become an important factor that signals further upside potential

4.Dollar Recovery? Not Yet!
In the near
term, we see the risks skewed towards some temporary
overshooting and can see EUR/$ testing the 1.50 area.

5.Seasonal Patterns into Year-End
Given that
manufacturing orders have started to bounce fairly strongly
recently, European exporters could find themselves falling
behind their hedging benchmarks. This could imply some
last-minute EUR/$ buying this year as well.

6.Becoming More Optimistic on CEE Currencies
The crisis hit credit-exposed Eastern Europe particularly
hard, arguably much more than other Emerging Market
regions. Even as global cyclical forces once again turn
supportive for risk taking, CEE assets continue to trade
with a higher risk premium.

7.FX Policy Events
In addition to the possible debate over fast-tracking EMU
entry in Eastern Europe, a few other events on the
schedule for FX policymakers are worth watching, in
  • The G20 summit on September 24-25 in Pittsburgh.
  • The Irish Lisbon Treaty referendum on October 2.
  • The G7 Finance Ministers meeting on October 3.
  • The IMF Annual Meeting in Turkey on October 3-5.
8.Growth Differentiation and Carry
we like
currencies with relatively high carry and with relatively
strong growth. Historically, both have performed very
well in a post-recession environment, where risk premia
are high, and rate differentials between EM and DM
remain relatively high, often to support nominal exchange
rate stability. However, given the correlation with cyclical
assets, we are keeping a close eye on equities.

GS Policy Rate Forecast

  • Australia 3.00 Hike in Q4 2009 (50bp, and then increments of 50bp every quarter till Q3 2010, 25bp in Q4 2010)
  • Canada 0.25 Hike in Q3 2010 (75bp, and then another 50bp in Q4 2010)
  • Euroland 1.00 Hike in Q3 2010 (25bp, and then another 25bp in Q4 2010)
  • Japan 0.10 Unchanged
  • New Zealand 2.50 Hike in Q2 2010 (25bp, then another 50bp in Q3 2010, 50bp in Q4 2010)
  • Norway 1.25 Hike in Q4 2009 (50bp, and then increments of 50bp every quarter till 2010)
  • Sweden 0.25 Hike in Q3 2010 (75bp, then 100bp in Q4 2010)
  • Switzerland 0.38 Unchanged
  • UK 0.50 Hike in Q1 2010 (100bp, then 50bp hike every quarter)
  • USA 0.15 Unchanged